Saturday, May 12, 2012

Gimme houses!

Hello readers! This isn't going to be a post with comics, more like an update post and random stuff. Actually I'm not working on any megu themed comics at the moment.. It doesn't mean that there wouldn't be any more to come but even if this site's address is "balltosscomics" it's still not out there just for comics. I'll post what I'll post :]

Anyway here's the megu-themed  projects I'm sort of working on right now:

- a "magazine" which I first thought I would print and send to people to their homes. It would have been quite expensive and a lot of work so now I'm thinking of publishing it online someday. It will be  about interior design in MEGU.

- Megu houses, furniture (and maybe even megus) designed by me. Mostly some ideas of things I'd like to see in the game. Maybe some thoughts on how the app could be improved (for example new minigames to play with your pet or something).

So that's enough for the update  -part ^^

Now it's time for design! My absolutely favourite things in MEGU are furniture and houses, not owning them in itself but decorating, designing and furnishing my pet's place :) I'm not interested at all in the points the furniture give me, I don't care if I'm the last one on the top 10000000 list, it doesn't matter if the item I'm using costs less than 10 golds. It's the outlook~
-Well you can guess that I wanted to be an interior designer when I was a kid and my parents are architects...-

Here's a list of the houses which I'd like to have the most, in order by the level on which you can buy them:

Frabjous Big House, 14 elixirs
 This house is quite basic, nothing that speacial really. But the reason I'd like to have this one is that the Dilapidated Big House looks exactly like this one but everything's broken. It would be cool to have the old looking house and invite megu friends over to help "constructing" my house -  and then it would turn into this ^_____^

Sakurada family's house, 20 elixirs
Again  a not so special house, but I love how it's under construction! :D

Ancient Mansion, 40 elixirs
I can't help but love the moon. I'd love to have this because I adore the moon but all of the other houses with a window  (except Spooky Garden) have a shining sun in them.

Pit-House, 40 elixirs
This one is really nice, very simple but has an earthy feel to it.


Design house, 45 elixirs
The only reason is the kitchen. Otherwise I wouldn't want this, but no other houses have kitchen in them!

Shangri-La house, 50 elixirs
Well I hate pink, but... The small pond is so fantastic >v<

Ninja house, 50 elixirs
My megu wants to be a ninja at times, so having a special house for those times would be neat. The hanging ladders are super!


West coast house, 50 elixirs
The sea-view, the corner with the other houses and trees, the pool OvO It would be awesome to have this house, then my megu could visit his Tropical beach without going there by a Pirate Ship.

Total cost: 309 elixirs (>____< ; ) NOOO!

All pictures of the houses from HERE! :)


Kayla said...

Cool post, and nice eye. I never saw that the Sakurada house was under construction Dx
Wah, cherry tree house is 50 elixers??? That's seriously overpriced.

Taylor said...

O-0... Expensive... Your megu magazine idea is a great one!

Bob said...

Hey! Where are the fellow megu's? Are they invisible?

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