Is there anything a MEGU can do when he gets bored at BallToss?
The 6th Man (1997) Regarder La Diffusion
10 years ago
Megu comic blog. Click on the pictures to see better!
Is there anything a MEGU can do when he gets bored at BallToss?
ITS SOOOOOOOOOOOO CUUUUUUUUUUUUUTTTTTTTEEEEEE!!!!! and yes. Limey would do that any day. but dont show this to her. i dont want her to get any ideas. you should make more comic strips!
i have a suggestion! you should do one when the strays stalk you megu on walk! (Ive never seen that before, but its possible. elise saw a stray stalking her megu on walk.)
... how do i submit my work? =}
I almost spit on the computer from laughing so hard! It's so cute! Especially the end. XD!!! Anyways, what's up? I feel chatty...
Thankyouthankyou here aswell ^^ lololol *goes to show the comic to Limey* *innocent whistle*
Thank you! And great that it made you laugh :D It's good to hear that I'm not the only one laughing at my jokes XDDD I'm still sick and I have to stay in bed.. And all megufriends are sleeping so I can't chat :'( *sob* weeeell I have youtube :3 actually I think I could draw something to this blog aswell ^^
Get well Soon!
Wanna Chat?
I'm here.
Chat On My Blog If you want.
I hope to see more of these comics in the near future <3
Btw I don't know if my Gnì would do this 'cause I gotta admit, lots of times I get bored of BallToss and I just do one bounce (so that it is not considered failing) and then leave XD poor Gnì maybe he actually wants to play!
awww thanks ^_____^ hehe I had idea of this blog for soooo long and already made one once then deleted it XD this is not ready yet, I mean outlook nd presentation and such, because I can't use computer now... I'm currently sick and have to stay in bed so also I can't really draw except on iPod, which is not that fun... I prefer real markers :D buuut I've got a lot of plans and I will do more comics for sure! You have a relly nice blog aswell!!
Haha I do that sometimes too when I'm busy but still want to try if I can get anythin good with only one toss :3 I think I have sometime visited u on megu.. My username is Limea(headphone-emoji)(black notes -emoji) and current megu is called Corey H. (please visit us! well I'll soon visit you anyways XD)... Hehe this reply came out as quiiiite long so I better quit now XD Have a greaaaat day and thanks for reading this ( ´ ▽ ` )ノ
the reply is below!XD
Um did you use an app to make that?
Ohhh I've read your reply just now! Sorry I'm dumb >o<
We already visisted each other on MEGU now tho, so it's okay I guess^-^
Aw, I'm sorry to hear that your sick, get well soon!
Btw okay then I'll wait for you to get better and draw more of those comics :3 I'm really looking forward to see them! And if I ever want to feature one of them in blog would you be okay with it?
Have a great day too x
XD! Still laughting!
Yeepp you can feature my comics in your blog, just mention me and it's ok ^^ I'll try to draw moree >W< I've got another holiday soon so I'll try. I promiiise :D But otherwise my March is superbusy :<
I drew it with markers & colored with Photoshop ^^
So clever! I'm glad there's so much humor to go around about cute little MEGU scenarios! XD
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