Saturday, January 28, 2012

FPEA* introducion

*FPEA stands for: Free Photo Editing Apps

I decided to start going trough photo editing apps in appstore, keeping eye on how good they are for Megu -photos and in upcoming posts I'll tell you about them, one app by one! All the posts about this theme will have the text "FPEA part (number)" in the header.

Here's some things you should notice:
•Since I am "poor" I will only review totally free or lite-edition apps.
•I'm not going to tell you about all of the free apps I find, only the best! I skip the crappy ones for your own good ;)
•The apps I review are from Finnish appstore, so all of them may not be in your appstore or I may not get to review some apps that are in your country's appstore, despite how good they are.
•Even tough I focus on how you can edit megu-pictures, these apps work well (maybe even better) with other pictures ^___^

Thank you for reading, first part of FPEA will be up soon~

P.S. I'll make more comics too, don't worry (:

Monday, January 23, 2012

MEGU bored at BallToss?

Is there anything a MEGU can do when he gets bored at BallToss?

 Would your megu do this? Tell in comments (ノ^_^)ノ

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Welcome to Kawaii BallToss!

This is a blog about the wonderful world of Kawaii Pet MEGU!
If you don't know what MEGU is check this page out:

This blog will mostly be filled by megu-themed short comic strips, drawings and such.
In case you're interested in having your ow art published here, contact me~

Have a great day and remember to feed your pet