Sunday, August 12, 2012

(Writing) 2 years of MEGU-love

Okay so I'm in a random mood for a love letter... said enough, here we go:

Dear Kawaii Pet MEGU,

      It's strange to hear that you're 2 years old now. And dare I say - you seem like an adult already! (a handsome one!) 

       When I first met you, you were still a young child. Putting your feet into big shoes and trying to run among others was probably hard and you had to struggle but it still seemed like you enjoyed it. You weren't popular around here where I reside, however I saw something in you. I knew this was it, this was what I had been looking for. And so, for these past 561 days you have been my sincere love. 

     One of the best things that happened to you when you grew up was when you learned to talk. You only could say a few sentences, but that was enough. But even more amazing was when you learned to listen. And learned to talk a bit longer. And longer. And listen more. That was what I loved. 

       Of course there has been some troubles and problemd in this lovestory. At times you have been too much into money and material things. That is the side of you I hate the most, that you can make even young children and grown adults swear and fight -and for what?- for the stupidest nonsense, over your gifts they will forget in a couple weeks. 

       Also, you have been unfair to me; for example you have brought me a nice gift, but when I suddenly pass out while opening it you'd run away. And then when I open my eyes the gift is gone and you act like nothing happened. Well I know you've given these gifts to your other lovers too, I don't mind about it. I know in the end you must still be loyal to me. 

      Speaking of which, these other lovers of yours, they tend to be great people. I actually need to confess that I may love them more than you - so now we have a nice little love triangle! I'm not really sure if you can call it a love triangle though since there's lots of those other lovers.... My bad! 

      You have brought me joy, laughs, love, tears, maybe even pain at times but that's life, inspiration, language skills, knowledge about various things and cultures and countries, addiction, typing skills and much much more. You even taught me to use Twitter and made me draw comics about you.
You're incredible. I love you.

Love, me

P.S. I'm still curious about how come your tail-plug turns into a flower whenever you're super happy. You really need to explain that to me.

P.P.S. I realized it now - yes I do love your other lovers more than you, hopefully it doesn't bother!

Some things explained, in case you didn't 100% get the love letter:

-"When I met you you were a young child", MEGU was about 5 months old when I started playing it.

-"You weren't popular here", I had to do a lot of searching until I found MEGU (I wasn't actually even searching for it specially, searched for virtual pets in general and MEGU was like the 50th to 100th app that appeared.) For the first 1.5 years my review was the only one in the appstore.

-"You learned to talk", chalkboards were introduced

-"You learned to listen", replying to chalkboards was made possible , until that one could only write things on their own board

-"Megu has brought a nice gift but I suddenly pass out and it's gone", Rares or elixirs are won or got from the login thing but the app crashes&closes and when opened again there's no elixir/rare.

-"The other lovers", the other players, say for example my bro George ;P

Monday, July 16, 2012

Megu design magazine!

Kawaii Pet MEGU Design Magazine is out now! Get your own copy from here!

You can either read the magazine on your computer or download it and put it on your iDevice & read with iBooks.

Also thanks for 1000 views on this page (even though over half of them must be my own xD)

Friday, July 13, 2012

Megu-fashion in Sims 2

Okaaay so I got a little hooked on Sims 2 again after having a couple years' break. And even more than the gameplay itself I got addicted to recoloring...

Bot-Mi suit for toddlers

Megu-la suit for toddlers

Bomko suit for toddlers
Salalu & Dino shirt for child boys

Girafa dress for child girls

Same dress, three strawberry-foods on the backside    

Now here the next two following recolors for teens are my favourite ^___^

Kaumondo&Hodom in the shirt ^^ Teen girls'
The "print" in the front :D
Backside: the logo of Usagi's :)
Lizalums on the rebel's shirt! :D Teen boys'

A detail :P
backside, I forgot the name of this megu on the jacket ^^;

Adult Females, egg-hunt dress
 Frontside's design, I used all of the items from 1st and 2nd egg-hunt event in this dress, also the heart tree from the 3rd one

Backside's "design". Btw did you that notice in the upper part you can see a love story? :P

Men's Bot-shirt

Backside "design"
A happy family in Megu clothes :D

Okay now the weirdest thing I tested out :

A mask inspired by Megu XDDD For some reason the eyes were blue even tho I colored them black o.O

Yawn yawn creepy.

Okay enough for now lol.

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Mygu time!

Right-click, open in new tab & zoom (:


Megu Mygu 

now ! XD

The blog will probably be off for the summer ^^ thank you for reading~

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Gimme houses!

Hello readers! This isn't going to be a post with comics, more like an update post and random stuff. Actually I'm not working on any megu themed comics at the moment.. It doesn't mean that there wouldn't be any more to come but even if this site's address is "balltosscomics" it's still not out there just for comics. I'll post what I'll post :]

Anyway here's the megu-themed  projects I'm sort of working on right now:

- a "magazine" which I first thought I would print and send to people to their homes. It would have been quite expensive and a lot of work so now I'm thinking of publishing it online someday. It will be  about interior design in MEGU.

- Megu houses, furniture (and maybe even megus) designed by me. Mostly some ideas of things I'd like to see in the game. Maybe some thoughts on how the app could be improved (for example new minigames to play with your pet or something).

So that's enough for the update  -part ^^

Now it's time for design! My absolutely favourite things in MEGU are furniture and houses, not owning them in itself but decorating, designing and furnishing my pet's place :) I'm not interested at all in the points the furniture give me, I don't care if I'm the last one on the top 10000000 list, it doesn't matter if the item I'm using costs less than 10 golds. It's the outlook~
-Well you can guess that I wanted to be an interior designer when I was a kid and my parents are architects...-

Here's a list of the houses which I'd like to have the most, in order by the level on which you can buy them:

Frabjous Big House, 14 elixirs
 This house is quite basic, nothing that speacial really. But the reason I'd like to have this one is that the Dilapidated Big House looks exactly like this one but everything's broken. It would be cool to have the old looking house and invite megu friends over to help "constructing" my house -  and then it would turn into this ^_____^

Sakurada family's house, 20 elixirs
Again  a not so special house, but I love how it's under construction! :D

Ancient Mansion, 40 elixirs
I can't help but love the moon. I'd love to have this because I adore the moon but all of the other houses with a window  (except Spooky Garden) have a shining sun in them.

Pit-House, 40 elixirs
This one is really nice, very simple but has an earthy feel to it.


Design house, 45 elixirs
The only reason is the kitchen. Otherwise I wouldn't want this, but no other houses have kitchen in them!

Shangri-La house, 50 elixirs
Well I hate pink, but... The small pond is so fantastic >v<

Ninja house, 50 elixirs
My megu wants to be a ninja at times, so having a special house for those times would be neat. The hanging ladders are super!


West coast house, 50 elixirs
The sea-view, the corner with the other houses and trees, the pool OvO It would be awesome to have this house, then my megu could visit his Tropical beach without going there by a Pirate Ship.

Total cost: 309 elixirs (>____< ; ) NOOO!

All pictures of the houses from HERE! :)

Monday, April 23, 2012


(ノ゚▽゚)ノ Hello dear readers! Finally it's time for another *real* comic!

Right-click & open in new tab to zoom in~

A bigg thank you to Puff for giving the topic~ ( 。◕‿◕。)

This comic ended up being awsumm in my opinion (ヘ。ヘ) What do ya think?

Sorry for the pixelquality though  (>д<)  I wish someday I'll be able to use  some better programs for scanning, editing etc. 

As you may notice, I'm in love with kaomojis today! All those I've used in this post are from           ヘ( ̄ω ̄ヘ)(ノ ̄ー ̄)ノ

If you didn't get the joke on what was played in the radio (last pic in the comic) you can check out this song, (however at one part there's quite flashy lights in the video so I don't recommend it for anyone who has epilepsy (but ofc you can listen to the song without watching the video ^^)) Mr. Mush looks a lot like The Cure's guys, right?

Monday, April 9, 2012

Wave it, egg-man, wave it!

I just had to make this :DDD

I'll do some edited versions of this later ;)

Sunday, April 8, 2012

It's a sunny day and accounts are gooone

Gatto won the competition! :D ehh.. well there was no one else guessing XD But her explanation was wonderful<3 Anyway as a reward, if she likes I can be her megu-fairy for a while ^___^ I thought it'd be nice since her acc got deleted and all that... Or I can draw her something! But well, miss Gatto message me, and if you don't know what megu-fairy is ask :3

Lots and lots of accounts have been deleted lately as you may know... A lot of my friends' aswell .____. Not mine though.
So to cheer these grey days up I'll post this random comic. The picture in the competition was a close-up from the first picture.

(The sun is nice but evil. Watch out!)

Megu survives through all kinds of things~ Have a great and sunny week everyone<3

[But don't let the sun kill ya. Use sunglasses. ]

Sunday, March 25, 2012

(closed) What is this? A contest???

Hey guyyys! I have a contest for you:
tell me what is this picture about! Give me a short or long explanation and you may win ^^ Reward is... [top secret] *ahem* I actually don't know if I'll give any reward XD But everyone loves contests anyway right? ...right?
Anybody thereeee? D:

Lol, so just comment below and explain that picture for me. I have absolutely no idea what it's about...

Friday, March 23, 2012

This is what I do at school :D

Lol, MEGU, a really ugly one. Drew it on ITC lesson at school. It looks quite horrible and small since the other students are watching at my screen all the time and I don't like to draw when they're watching Dx  Maybe I'll try to get more courage for the next time to draw properly............... maybe. XD

Friday, March 9, 2012

Pimpy - Dress your MEGU! (FPEA 1)

Many Kawaii Pet MEGU users wish for a new game function, the ability to dress your pet. While the function doesn't exist yet the only way to dress your megu is to edit some pictures... and Pimpy is one really great app for that!

Pimpy is all free app, no lite-editions or in-app purchases needed. The app's description tough said that "you can buy more stamps from the store or get some free stamps by tweeting about Pimpy", however I couldn't find any "store" in the app (・・?) Please tell me if you can find it XD

The app is very simple and easy to use. You can zoom in and out of your picture, rotate it; add frames, wordbaloons, stamps, hairstyles, hats, eyes, mouths and so on.

Some pros and cons:
+If you add something to the picture it can easily be removed, replaced etc.
+The amount of things you can add is quite big
+Very easy to use
- You can't save a picture as a "project" to continue editing later, you either have to save it into your photo gallery or not save at all
- When saving the picture a part of the edges disappears

Time for some picture evidence!

Pimpy's menu
Rarcon wants a makeover
Zooooom away!
Rarcon gets girly x3

Ah! It's time to be a man now. Or cowboy.

Thanks for reading! We luv ya all ^__^