Sunday, August 12, 2012

(Writing) 2 years of MEGU-love

Okay so I'm in a random mood for a love letter... said enough, here we go:

Dear Kawaii Pet MEGU,

      It's strange to hear that you're 2 years old now. And dare I say - you seem like an adult already! (a handsome one!) 

       When I first met you, you were still a young child. Putting your feet into big shoes and trying to run among others was probably hard and you had to struggle but it still seemed like you enjoyed it. You weren't popular around here where I reside, however I saw something in you. I knew this was it, this was what I had been looking for. And so, for these past 561 days you have been my sincere love. 

     One of the best things that happened to you when you grew up was when you learned to talk. You only could say a few sentences, but that was enough. But even more amazing was when you learned to listen. And learned to talk a bit longer. And longer. And listen more. That was what I loved. 

       Of course there has been some troubles and problemd in this lovestory. At times you have been too much into money and material things. That is the side of you I hate the most, that you can make even young children and grown adults swear and fight -and for what?- for the stupidest nonsense, over your gifts they will forget in a couple weeks. 

       Also, you have been unfair to me; for example you have brought me a nice gift, but when I suddenly pass out while opening it you'd run away. And then when I open my eyes the gift is gone and you act like nothing happened. Well I know you've given these gifts to your other lovers too, I don't mind about it. I know in the end you must still be loyal to me. 

      Speaking of which, these other lovers of yours, they tend to be great people. I actually need to confess that I may love them more than you - so now we have a nice little love triangle! I'm not really sure if you can call it a love triangle though since there's lots of those other lovers.... My bad! 

      You have brought me joy, laughs, love, tears, maybe even pain at times but that's life, inspiration, language skills, knowledge about various things and cultures and countries, addiction, typing skills and much much more. You even taught me to use Twitter and made me draw comics about you.
You're incredible. I love you.

Love, me

P.S. I'm still curious about how come your tail-plug turns into a flower whenever you're super happy. You really need to explain that to me.

P.P.S. I realized it now - yes I do love your other lovers more than you, hopefully it doesn't bother!

Some things explained, in case you didn't 100% get the love letter:

-"When I met you you were a young child", MEGU was about 5 months old when I started playing it.

-"You weren't popular here", I had to do a lot of searching until I found MEGU (I wasn't actually even searching for it specially, searched for virtual pets in general and MEGU was like the 50th to 100th app that appeared.) For the first 1.5 years my review was the only one in the appstore.

-"You learned to talk", chalkboards were introduced

-"You learned to listen", replying to chalkboards was made possible , until that one could only write things on their own board

-"Megu has brought a nice gift but I suddenly pass out and it's gone", Rares or elixirs are won or got from the login thing but the app crashes&closes and when opened again there's no elixir/rare.

-"The other lovers", the other players, say for example my bro George ;P